Are You Being Overwatered?

We took a trip to our local farm, Scholz Family Farm, this past weekend. The kids enjoy visiting the goats, Sundance and Butch, and it is such a calming and welcoming place. While the kids were busy with the goats, Matt and I were trying to decide if we were going to replace our shriveled-up watermelon plants or switch gears completely and get tomato plants to replace them.

As we were looking at what vegetable starts the farm had left, one of our favorite farmers came over to say hi. I asked him if watermelon was hard to grow. He informed me that on this side of Washington it can be tricky. We get a lot of rain on this side of the mountain. He told us that watermelon plants do not like a lot of water until they fruit.

Since we tend to water daily if the soil looks dry in fear of NOT giving the plants ENOUGH water, I was confused. He comforted us by saying that lots of people over water but that at the farm, they only water at the farm about once or twice a summer. In my dumbfounded state, I must have given him a strange look because he went on to explain why. I love that they are willing to teach people the ins and outs of gardening/farming. We learn so much from them.

Sundance greeting the kids when we arrived.

He explained to us that if we keep watering too often, the roots are totally fine staying up close to the surface of the soil and they can rot. He showed us a couple plant starts that he noticed while talking to us. “If they look droopy, they are done,” he said. To me it looked like it needed more water. HA!

He removed the plant from the soil to show us the roots and how they looked swollen and rotten. By keeping watering to a minimum, you are encouraging the roots to reach down deep into the soil to chase the water and create a better root base as well as a stronger and healthier plant. Even though it makes total sense, it still feels strange to resist watering my garden.

Because this is how my brain works, I was out doing one of my backyard walks when I thought back to our conversation with our favorite farmer. Then, in popped into my head how we are ALL like plants that are being over watered.

How many times in life do we stay comfortable? How many times do we choose to stay put instead of stretching ourselves? How many times do we get watered keeping us right where we are? After a while, many of us can feel like we are in a rut. We are TOO comfortable. We need to get UNcomfortable to grow. We need to get UNcomfortable to reach down deep. We need that firm foundation of a strong root base in order to grow a healthy plant on top of the soil.

I listen to a podcast called The Prosperity Practice by Danielle Amos. In her podcast she frequently reminds the listener that you are either growing or dying; there is no such thing as standing still. We need to put things into action to grow those roots so we can be a strong and healthy plant. Be it, Do it, Have it.

So, friends, I invite you to get a bit uncomfortable today. What do YOU want? What are YOUR goals? What are YOUR desires? Get uncomfortable. Reach for that water down deep in the soil and GROW!

In case you are super curious and you are afraid you will lose sleep, we decided to give the watermelon another try.
Be Happy, Find the JOY, and GROW!